1st and 2nd violin

The Norwegian Radio Orchestra (Kork) is looking for new colleagues in our violin sections.

- 1st violin: 100% position + 50% position
- 2nd violin: 100% position


Please specify in your application whether you are applying for positions in both groups or just one of them. If it's only one, be clear about whether it's for the 1st violin or the 2nd violin. There will be one combined audition for all vacancies.


The Norwegian Radio Orchestra, Kringkastingsorkestret (Kork), consists of 54 musicians, and we take great pride in the orchestra's versatility. Classical symphonic music is at the heart of our repertoire, and we aim to perform in a chamber music style where each member takes initiative and actively contributes to our collective music-making. Beyond our core repertoire, we explore various other music genres, consistently delivering the highest quality performances, both individually and as an ensemble. We expect our new colleagues to contribute to the orchestra’s flexibility and uphold our high musical standards. Good and open communication is essential, both within the sections and throughout the orchestra as a whole.




Up to 2 weeks after the application deadline:
Qualified candidates will be invited to a pre-round by video recording.

Video round repertoire:
Mozart violin concerto K218 (D major) or K219 (A major): First movement till the end of development. No cadenza.

Orchestra excerpts:
Brahms symphony no. 4, from 2nd movement
Prokofiev symphony no. 1, op 25 (“Classical”), from 4th movement
Orchestra excerpt music for the pre round will be sent out after the audition deadline.

Deadline for video recording submittance:
2 weeks after each individual has been contacted with further information.

Instructions for the video recording:
To ensure that your submitted recording has not been edited, you must remain visible throughout the entire recording. A smartphone is sufficient for these recordings. Please make sure that you have an appropriate distance between the microphone and the instrument, and record in horizontal (landscape) mode. The entire instrument should be visible at all times.

The recordings can be divided into two parts.  Mozart must be filmed in one take and should not be edited. 
The recording of the complete set of required orchestral excerpts is to be filmed in one continuous take without any edits. You are free to decide the order of the excerpts.
Your video recording must be uploaded to YouTube. Videos submitted in any other format will be rejected.

Further instructions on how to send us the video link will be provided at a later date. 



After the video recording pre-round, qualified candidates will be invited to the audition on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd September at the Norwegian Broadcasting House in Oslo. Address: Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons plass 1, Oslo.

Repertoire requirements at the main audition in Oslo:


  • Mozart: Violin concerto K218 (D-major) or K219 (A-dur): 1st movement with cadenza, and 2nd movement without cadenza
  • Romantic concerto: 1st movement with cadenza from one of the following violin concertos: Beethoven, Brahms, Tsjaikovskij or Sibelius.
  • Orchestra excerpts
  • Chamber music (string quartet)

The orchestra excerpts required for the audition in Oslo will be sent out no later than 3 weeks before the audition (September 1st).
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact orchestra manager Anja Aubert Bang anja.aubert.bang@nrk.no

The start date for the position will be determined by mutual agreement.

For more information about The Norwegian Broadcasting Orchestra please click on this link https://www.nrk.no/kork/norwegian-radio-orchestra-1.12413761