Co-principal Bassoon

Application period starts from 5 August 2024. Application deadline is 1 September 2024 at 23:59 (11:59 PM, Finnish summer time UTC+3). The position is permanent, and work begins on 13 January 2025 or as agreed. The vacancy comes with an obligation to play secondary instruments (contrabassoon).

Applications are to be submitted only through the electronic form that opens here on 5 August 2024.

Audition on Monday 30 September 2024 at 10 am (Finnish time, UTC+3) at Tampere Hall, Small Auditorium for those invited to audition based on the applications. Invitations to the audition and a link to the required audition repertoire will be sent to the applicants by 6 September 2024. The orchestra will provide a pianist to the audition.

Required repertoire

Solo Concerto:
W. A. Mozart: Bassoon Concerto, I and II mov. with cadenzas

Orchestral excerpts:

1st Bassoon:
Beethoven: Symphony No. 4
• I: b. 65-78, 107-109, 142-149, 221-237, 348-352, 381-383, 416-432
• II: b. 59-72
• IV: b. 184-187, 300-302, 348-355
Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro Overture: b. 1-7, 101-123, 133-135, 139-146, 156-164, 214-220, 229-236, 274-278
Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade: II: b. 5-26, 323-328
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 9, IV: b. 1-34 V: b. 1-160
Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring I: beginning – 4 b. after 12
Donizetti: The Elixir of Love: Act 2, no 19 Romanze des Nemorino, Larghetto: b.1-20, 47-48
Sibelius: Symphony No. 1: III: 12 b. after reh.letter E – H
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4, II b.273-304
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6, IV b. 1-36
Ravel: Bolero: b. 41-57
Kaipainen: Symphony No. 2: II: 3 b. before reh.letter F – H
Kaipainen: Symphony No. 3: I: reh.letter B – C II: beginning – 1 b. after reh.letter B
Sibelius: Lemminkäinen’s Return: reh.letter D – K
Smetana: The Bartered Bride: b. 1-8, 98-111, 168-176, 221-228, 237-241, 255-259, both 1st and 2nd Bassoon

2nd Bassoon:
Brahms: Violin Concerto: II: b. 1-22, 73-79, 93-98
Wagner: Tannhäuser Overture: b. 1-37

Further information:
Anu Piispanen, Deputy General Manager in a new window)
tel. 050 388 7144