1st Concertmaster

The "Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landestheater und Sinfonieorchester GmbH" performs opera, plays, ballet, concerts and puppet theatre from the German-Danish border to Itzehoe and between the North and Baltic Seas.

An extensive theatre education programme and numerous collaborations with cultural and educational institutions characterise the profile of the successful multi-genre theatre with almost 400 permanent employees and over 600 events per season.
The main location of the music theatre is in Flensburg. With 60 musicians, the Schleswig-Holstein Symphony Orchestra is one of the largest orchestras in the state and a cultural flagship of the region.

With immediate effect, we are looking for

1st concertmaster (m/f/d) based in Flensburg in permanent employment

We expect:

Qualified solo violin training
Professional orchestra experience
Mastery of the German language, or the willingness to work on it.

You can expect:
Fixed term contract based on TVK B.
A special reduction of working hours can be negotiated as part of the contract.

You will be part of a highly motivated team. We offer an interesting job at a regional theatre with a varied repertoire.

Please send your application to our orchestra director Mrs Kathrin Hertel (Phone: +49 461 14100 542, Email: Kathrin.Hertel@SH-Landestheater.de) Any questions can be directed to her.